
Investor Outreach: 9 Tips to Connect with Potential Investors

Louise Saludo
August 28, 2024
min read

Ever wondered how many investor meetings it takes before founders secure a term sheet?

According to Serial Entrepreneur Ash Narain:

It takes 40-50 investor meetings to raise a $1M+ funding round.

In between those meetings are long hours spent on investor outreach.

While it can be a long and complicated process, the right investor outreach strategy can help optimize your fundraising journey.

If you've already generated your pitch deck with and edited it to perfection, congratulations! Your crucial first step is done.

This article outlines the next crucial step: navigating the process of reaching out to potential investors.

Tip #1: Personalize Your Outreach

Personalizing your outreach is vital in standing out to investors. Tailor your communication to each investor, referencing their past investments and explaining why your startup is a good fit.

A personalized message shows that you've done your homework and value the investor’s time. Investors prefer direct communication from the startup management, with 57.1% indicating they prefer meetings organized by the company over the sell-side equity analysts. (Get Irwin).

Sometimes, personal outreach goes beyond a custom email message. Customizing your pitch deck for specific investors shows that you’re aligned with the VC’s goals.

This proactive approach increases the chances of getting a response and sets the stage for a meaningful conversation.

Tip #2: Identify Target Investors

Identifying the right investors is a foundational step in your outreach strategy. Research and pinpoint investors who are interested in your industry and stage of development.

Focus on those who have invested in similar companies, as they are more likely to understand and appreciate your business model.

Use tools like OpenVC, Crunchbase, and AngelList to gather this information. This targeted approach ensures that your efforts are concentrated on investors who are already inclined to invest in your type of startup, thereby increasing the likelihood of securing funding.

Tip #3: Attend Industry Events

Attending industry events is an effective way to meet investors in person. Industry conferences, trade shows, and networking events provide valuable opportunities for face-to-face interactions.

These events often gather key players from various sectors, making them ideal venues for networking.

Founders, industry giants, and even investors convene in global events such as StartupFest, Startup Grind Global Conference, Slush, and TechBBQ.

By participating in these events, you can introduce yourself to potential investors, discuss your startup, and establish personal connections that can be pivotal in your fundraising journey.

Apps like Eventbrite can also help in identifying upcoming industry events and networking opportunities

Tip #4: Join Startup Accelerators and Incubators

Startup accelerators and incubators offer more than just mentorship and resources—they provide direct access to investors.

These programs often have established networks of investors who are actively looking for new opportunities.

By joining an accelerator or incubator, you can significantly boost your networking efforts. Additionally, the mentorship and structured support from these programs can help refine your business model and pitch, making you more attractive to investors.

Startups nurtured in an incubator have an 87% survival rate after five years, compared to 44% for those that go it alone (Business News Daily).

Tip #5: Leverage LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for connecting with potential investors. Use the platform to follow investors, engage with their posts, and send personalized connection requests.

Building relationships on LinkedIn can lead to meaningful interactions and opportunities.

Ensure that your LinkedIn profile is professional and up-to-date, highlighting your achievements and the unique aspects of your startup.

In fact, LinkedIn reports that…

Investors use social media to research asset management firms (68%) and connect with executives at investment firms (64%).

By actively engaging with investors on LinkedIn, you can stay on their radar and increase your chances of securing a meeting.

Tip #6: Utilize Existing Networks

Your existing network can be a valuable resource for introductions to investors. Reach out to friends, family, mentors, and colleagues who might have connections with investors.

Warm introductions are often more effective than cold outreach because they come with a level of trust.

By leveraging your network, you can access investors who might otherwise be difficult to reach and start the conversation on a positive note.

Tip #7: Engage in Online Communities

Participating in online communities where investors are active can also enhance your outreach efforts.

Platforms like AngelList,  Meetup, Eventbrite, and Founders Network can help you find events, like-minded founders, and potential investors.

There are also relevant Slack groups, like Tech London, Startup Study Group, MindTheProduct, and Startup Chat where founders and investors discuss regarding startups and product development.

These online communities help founders engage in discussions, scout networking events, share meaningful insights, and contribute valuable content.

Building a presence in these online spaces can attract the attention of investors who are looking for innovative startups.

Tip #8: Volunteer at Events

Volunteering at industry events can provide unique networking opportunities. By offering to help at these events, you can get behind-the-scenes access and build relationships with key players, including investors.

Volunteering also demonstrates your commitment to the industry and can provide valuable exposure for your startup.

This approach allows you to engage with investors in a less formal setting, making it easier to establish connections.

Tip #9: Be Persistent Yet Polite

Persistence is key in investor outreach, but it’s important to balance it with politeness. Follow up if you don’t hear back, but always be respectful of their time.

Persistence shows your commitment and determination, which are qualities investors appreciate. However, avoid being overly aggressive or pushy, as this can be off-putting.

Successful Investor Relations (IR) teams are proactive in their communication, setting up periodic touchpoints and controlling the narrative (Get Irwin).

This approach ensures that you add value to each interaction and build a positive relationship with potential investors.

Expanding your network is the first step to investor outreach.

Raising capital can be a challenging journey, but by following these tips, you'll be well-equipped to connect with potential investors and secure the funding you need.

Remember, every interaction is a step forward, and persistence pays off. Stay focused on your vision, and don't be discouraged by setbacks.

Each 'no' brings you closer to a 'yes,' and your determination will ultimately lead to success.

Don’t have an investor pitch deck yet? Generate a pitch in minutes with

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